By the way, that mall is pretty darn nice. They had anthropologie and a pottery barn, so its safe to say I wasn't bored waiting around. About 30 minutes before the event I decided to make a trek to Starbucks.. and who did I see in the hallway? Bakerella! What do i do? Awkwardly approach her! lol (what else could you expect from me? haha) She was so sweet and even remembered my name from a comment I left on her blog.
The signing was actually really fun. I met a bunch of really nice people in the line that have blogs and we exchanged a few links. She gave a little talk about the book and stuff - I never went to a book signing before, but it was really fun!
She even got my humor when I asked her to do her signature "awkward smile/wave" pose lol
Too much fun. I must do this again.